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Understanding the Orders Dashboard

Take control of the entire aligner treatment plan development cycle from the Orders Dashboard - managing your orders has never been easier!

Title: Creating an Order for a Patient

Step 1 - Sign in to AlignerBase.

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Step 2 - From the main dashboard, click on Patients from the left side panel.

Step 3 - Locate the patient you want to start a new order for. This can be done either by searching for the patient or the doctor the patient is assigned to.

Step 4 - After locating, you can click on "Create new order" button present in the patients row under the Actions column.

Step 5 - There are 3 stages to creating an order.

  • First Stage - Scans and Imaging:
    • You need to upload Scans, Photos and X-Rays.
      • Scans are mandatory and need to be an intra oral scan (which may be Maxillary, Mandibular or both) which can be either obtained through an intra-oral scanner or from a lab/desktop scan of an impression. Files Supported include STL and DCM.
      • Photos are mandatory and include a full-face (frontal) smiling image and 3 intra-oral images including a right lateral, left lateral and frontal view. You may also upload upper and lower occlusal views.
      • X-Rays are but highly recommended especially where cases have higher complexity. You can upload a full panoramic X-ray here.
  • Second Stage - Prescription:
    • Here you need to add instructions regarding the case, technicalities corresponding to the case and the complete patient Rx.
      • Duration can be set either to a recommended number of steps or a limited amount that you prescribe. If you leave this on Recommend, we'll show you how many steps we need to try to reach your prescribed goals on the treatment setup. If you choose Limit, you can restrict the duration of the treatment.
      • Existing Condition requires you to input the chief complaint and problem that needs to be addressed. This should be a clear summary of the conditions and issues you and the patient want to resolve.
      • Instruction is where you have all the technical instruction set available to modify. Default options are already selected which you can edit to your specific case. The default option for most conditions is to improve them as much as reasonably possible within the selected case type. Be sure to tell us how you want to improve the conditions in the "Additional Information" area.
        • Further, by default, both arches / jaws are added to the treatment. If you want a single jaw to be treated, you can select it under "Treat Arches". Singular jaw treatments have lower prices.
      • You can also specify which teeth to avoid engagers on, which teeth will be extracted before treatment, which spaces to leave open and which teeth should not be moved.
        • The Universal Notation is used to number the teeth.
      • As a final step to the treatment, there is an option to include a retainer for the patient to retain the whole treatment and this is complementary. If you uncheck it, all the retainers in the treatment will be made except for the last retainer that patient can wear after completion.
      • At the end, you can also add additional instructions that haven't been conveyed.
    • Third Stage - Submit
      • Here you can confirm all the data and choose to submit the order.
Title: Viewing an Existing Order

Step 1 - Sign in to AlignerBase.

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Step 2 - From the main dashboard, click on Patients from the left side panel.

Step 3 - Locate the patient you want to view the order for. This can be done either by searching for the patient or the doctor the patient is assigned to.

Step 4 - After locating, you can click on "View" button present in the patients row under the Actions column.

From here you can view the complete order you submitted along with the ability to download the complete order as PDF. Additionally, you can also click on "Open Chat" button while viewing the order at the top right to convey any additional information, remarks or queries regarding the order.

Title: Cancelling an Order

Step 1 - Sign in to AlignerBase.

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Step 2 - From the main dashboard, click on Orders from the left side panel.

Step 3 - Locate the Order you want to cancel the order for. This can be done either by searching for the Order by Patient Name, Doctor Name or Case ID, or by using the 'Order Status' filter and selecting the applicable order status from the drop-down menu.

Step 4 - After locating the order, you can click on "Cancel" button present in the orders row under the Actions column.

It should be noted that orders can only be cancelled if they are in the Draft, Under Review or Approval Required stages. Orders cannot be cancelled if they are in the Design in Progress stage.

If the order is on the Under Review stage, this cancellation will not be charged. However, for orders Under Progress, a fee of $35USD will be charged.

Title: Editing Details of a Patient

Step 1 - Sign in to AlignerBase.

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Step 2 - From the main dashboard, click on Patients from the left side panel.

Step 3 - Locate the patient you want to edit details for. This can be done either by searching for the patient or the doctor the patient is assigned to.

Step 4 - After locating, you can click on "Edit" button present in the patients row under the Actions column.

Title: Order Progression after submission to AlignerBase Team

After you have submitted a new order to AlignerBase, our team will start to develop the treatment plan.

On the Main Dashboard, under the Cases by Treatment Stage section, the count of Under Review will increase after you have completely submitted a new case.

After our team reviews your case, the case will move from Under Review to Design in Progress. This will also be reflected as a decrease in your Under Review number and increase in the Design in Progress number. Similarly, you will be alerted for this via email as well as receive an alert in the alerts section on the dashboard itself.

Further, once our design process is completed, the case will move to Design in QC stage where the team will quality check the design. Similar to the previous stages, you will also be alerted via email and in the alerts section along with a count change.

After quality check is complete, the case will be moved to approval required stage. For this, again, you will be alerted via email and in the alerts section. This is where AlignerBase team will require your input and you need to review the treatment plan.

Title: Approving a Treatment Plan

Step 1 - After you have been notified of a case that requires your approval, you need to navigate to the Orders section by clicking on Orders on the left navigation pane from the main dashboard.

Step 2 - From the list, you can see the case(s) where your approval is required. Click on View in the same row to review the treatment plan.

Step 3 - Once you click view, you will see the complete Order just as before but this time, you will see a new section after Scans and Imaging, named Proposed Treatment plan. Click on that.

Step 4 - Here you can see the PDF of the treatment plan as well as a video. Download or view both.

Step 5 - After you have reviewed the plan, you can click on Approve Order or Request Revision depending upon your feedback. You can also cancel the order at this stage as well, however, you will be charged 35$USD.

Step 6 -If you are on the Pay as you Go plan, you will be asked to pay for the order before AlignerBase releases the final Designed Model. If you are on a subscription plan, clicking on Approve will add this order to your monthly bill / count.

Final files are made available in STL and editable 3sz file formats using 3 Shape software as default.

here to if you wish to receive editable files for software other than 3 Shape.

Title: Refinements after Approval

Before approval of an order, you can request any number of revisions however, once an order is approved, you can only request a refinement (mid-course correction). This will be free of charge for the first time, but will incur an additional $35USD the second time onwards.

To request a refinement, you can view your approved order and click on Request Refinement button on the top right.

This will move the order back to draft stage and give you the option to go over the data once again just like as if it was a new order but retaining the older information you inputted. Make any changes here that you will like done differently this time round and then click on Submit.

After AlignerBase team finishes designing, you will be notified of approval once again. This time, you will see the revised plan along with the old plan in the approval section. You can approve this new plan or request for further revision (which is free of cost before approval).

Title: In case of Order Rejection from AlignerBase

Due to varying reasons, an order submission can be rejected with remarks as to why it has been rejected. To view and resubmit order after corrections, do the following.

Step 1 - Navigate to Orders section through the left navigation on the main dashboard.

Step 2 - Locate the order where it says "Review and Resubmit Order" and click on View. Alternatively, you can click on the alert regarding the same order in your notifications section or alerts section.

Step 3 - You will find a remarks section where the AlignerBase team would have conveyed what needs to be done before progressing.

Step 4 - According to the remarks, edit your order and submit. This will move your order back to under review and the AlignerBase team will begin to progress with the order.