Support Center

    Support Topics

    • Registering on AlignerBase
    • Signing into your Dashboard
    • The Main Dashboard+
    • The Patients Dashboard+
    • The Orders Dashboard+
    • Billing & Invoicing+
    • The Profile Dashboard+

Understanding the Patients Dashboard

Keep your patient's treatment plan on track with ease by managing, viewing, and editing all patient-related information from the Patients Dashboard.

Title: Adding a New Patient

Step 1 - Sign in to AlignerBase.

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Step 2 - From the main dashboard, click on Patients from the left side panel.

Step 3 - The Patients section will list down all your patients. To add a new patient, click on “+ Add Patient” button which is present on the top-right.

Step 4 - Add in patient's information in the fields displayed.

Mandatory fields are the first name and last name. Rest of the fields are optional and can be left out.

Step 5 - Once you fill out all the information, you can either assign this new patient to another doctor in your facility by pressing “Assign Patient to Other Facility Member” or simply add it to your own list by clicking on “Create New Patient” button present on the bottom right.

Title: Deleting a Patient from the list

Step 1 - Sign in to AlignerBase.

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Step 2 - From the main dashboard, click on Patients from the left side panel.

Step 3 - Locate the patient you want to delete either by searching for the patient or the doctor the patient is assigned to.

Step 4 - After locating, you can click on “Delete” button present in the patients row under the Actions column.